б/а2013-11-082013-11-081865-01-14Scientific American. Vol. 12, № 3. – New York, 1865. – P. 31–46.https://escriptorium.karazin.ua/handle/1237075002/1410Scientific American. Vol. 12, № 1, 3–26. – New York, 1865. – P. 1–14, 31–414.A weekly journal of practical information in art, science, mechanics, chemistry and manufactures.en-USJanuary 14, 1865Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of science and ideasResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of technologyResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::Book and library historyResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::Economic historyResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History of technology and industryResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Engineering mechanicsGorman’s «Dead-center lift»Jacob’s Wheel Working MachineryThe plants and animals of the petroleum rocksThe Cotton Supply RestoredTrades Union and StrikesAmerican Trade in ChinaAgricultural Crops of the CountryPetroleum for Raising SteamExtraordinary Discoveries of Petroleum in CaliforniaImproved Steam BlowerMolds for Casting MetalHancock’s Steam BlowerNew Magnetic NeedleM’Cormick’s SkateImproved SkateTurning toolsPolytechnic Association of the American InstituteManufacture of ChloroformPunched and Drilled Holes in PlatesSensoning of Timber and LumberThe American Cotton SpinnerNew books and publicationsCompressed AirBoring for Oil near ChicagoRecent American PatentsEuropean PetroleumImproved Foot WarmerNew FoodEffect of the Cash SystemHont’s Foot WarmerCharcoalMunn @ CompanyRates of AdvertisingImproved Curtain FixturesHartshorn’s Curtain FixturesScientific American. – 1865. – Vol. 12, № 3Other